Monday, May 18, 2009

Biking with the Beard

Hello True Believers!
I forgot to mention yesterday that the town is abuzz with beard lovers. These signs are posted all over and we've only gotten good reception and good luck from the locals.

Day two began and we had a leisurely stroll through the local weekend outdoor market where I partook in reindeer and elk chili. Delicious and yet, somewhat the same as regular chili.

Next was a bike ride along the Tony Knowles Coastal Trail. We rode for a while and saw Mt. McKinley off in the distance. Along the trail we saw this statue of a little girl farting a large rock. Classic.

Without much of a plan, we roamed around the streets of Anchorage and found several places for me to wet my whistle.

Finally, a little something for those of you who like to lord embarrassing things over me. This one's for you.


  1. Ha! A bearded bear! Classic Alaska!

  2. Tell me, how often does food, like chili remnants, get stuck in your 'stache and beard? Does the chili smell stay with you for hours on end? Do you relish it later?

    -- Inez

  3. it's fairly often that remains of food find themselves nestled safely in my facial hair. I mostly gather them all up at the end of the meal as a special treat to myself. And if I miss some, well all the better later as it takes me back to whatever wonderful meal I had eaten just hours/days earlier.

  4. Did you not take pics of the John Henry Oatmeal Stout?

  5. seriously sooooooooooooooooooooooo coool. awesome ryan!

  6. haha little girl farting on a rock, nice!
